Tuesday, December 13, 2011

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk | Customer Service, Teller | December 2011 |

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. has a vision to be the leading banks in housing finance. Our missions is providing superior service in housing finance and related industries, consumer finance and small and medium businesses, increasing competitive advantage through innovative product development, and strategic network-based services and the latest technology.

We also prepare and develop quality human capital, professional and high integrity, carry out banking management in accordance with the principles of prudence and good corporate governance to enhance Shareholder Value and care for the interests of society and the environment.

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. open the opportunity for those of you who have a passion to excel, friendly, honest, tenacious, thorough and innovative, attractive and good communication skills to fill positions as follows:

Customer Service
Closing Date : 18 December 2011
  • Female and single, with maximum age 24 years
  • Minimum height 155 cm with proportional weight
  • Education D3 in any majors with minimum GPA 2.75

Closing Date : 18 December 2011
  • Female and single, with maximum age 24 years
  • Minimum height 155 cm with proportional weight
  • Minimum education high school or related, with minimum average value 7.00
  • Preferably having D1/D2/D3 education with minimum GPA 2.75
How to Apply:
For those interested candidates, detail information can be found in the following link:
Detailed Info

PT. Blue Gas Indonesia | Jobs 2011

PT Blue Gas Indonesia is one of the Group Tigaraksa Satria Tbk, which is engaged in the kitchen appliance industry and LPG gas filling. We have experienced more than 10 years in the making of a portable gas stove, gas filling and distribution of LPG refill.

We are a fast growing manufacture/ sales & distribution company, group of PT Tigaraksa Satria, Tbk. focused on kitchen appliances products and gas refill. Currently we need dynamic & strong-willed person to fill in our vacant position.

Refilling Supervisor
Jakarta | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Male, maximum age 30 years
  • Education S1 Mechanical / Electrical / Industrial
  • Minimum experience 3 years
  • Discipline, Assertive, Energetic, Strong Leadership and good communication skills

Finance Admin Coordinator (FAC)
Jawa Timur | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Male, maximum age 30 years
  • Education S1 Accounting with minimum GPA 2.75
  • Experience as a staff finance / accounting at least 3 years
  • Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel Minimal)
  • Self started, attention to detail, agile, able to work independently within a minimum of supervision

National Field Promotion Supervisor
Jakarta | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Male, maximum age 30 years
  • Minimum S1 majoring in management / marketing
  • Not married
  • The experience of being at least 2y Supervisor (mandatory) in Retail / FMCG / Kitchen Appliances
  • Experienced executing, monitoring and analyzing programs / events / promotional activities
  • Have initiative, creativity is high, enjoy challenges and presentation skills
  • Can work independently and team
  • Liking trips out of town and work under pressure
  • Target oriented
  • Domicile in Jakarta

Field Sales Refill Coordinator (Code: SRC)
Jawa Barat | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Coordinating team of sales & distribution of LPG Refill Blue Gas to increase sales
  • Requirements:
  • Male, maximum age 32 years
  • Education S1 in any majors
  • Having a SIM C
  • Coordinator experience salesman / distribution of consumer goods, at least one year, or as a senior salesman at least 2 years
  • Achievement oriented, self started, independent, able to lead and have good problem solving skills

Field Credit Control Cordinator (code: CCC)
Jawa Timur | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Lead the credit control team and achieving the target collection, and control the quality of human resource collector and verifier
  • Male, maximum age 32 years
  • Education S1 in any majors
  • Having a SIM C
  • Experienced team lead billing, survey team, preferably in finance companies / financial institutions / credit of at least 1 year retail
  • Liked the field work and would be placed in Entire towns in East Java
  • Understanding credit collection / commercial credit management, and understand the billing process and feasibility surveys of consumer
  • Achievement oriented, self started, independent, able to lead, and have the analytical skills and good problem solving

Credit Field Surveyor (code: VR)
Jawa Barat | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Conducting Survey feasibility analysis of potential customers of PT products. Blue Gas Indonesia
  • Male, maximum age 30 years
  • Education minimum D3 in any major
  • Has a motor and SIM C
  • Experience as a Surveyor / Market Credit Officer / Credit Analyst Field or similar positions in finance companies / financial institutions / retail credit for at least 1 year
  • Understanding the billing procedures and feasibility surveys of consumer
  • Target-oriented, independent, have the ability to analyze and independence of thought, and love of field work

IT Programmer
Jakarta | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Male, maximum age 32 years
  • Education S1 Technical Education / Information Management / Information Systems / Computer Science
  • Mastering PHP Programming, VB &. NET, Crystal Report, CI Framework, preferably understand Macromedia Flash & Foxpro
  • Mastering Database System SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access
  • Mastering Linux Troubleshooting Hardware & Networking (Optional)
  • Preferably, the flow control business process / experience in sales & distribution
  • Experience in programming (include sample programs ever created in the CV)

Cost Accounting Supervisor
Jakarta | Closing Date : 26 December 2011
  • Male
  • Education S1 majoring in Accounting
  • Minimum 2 years in Product Costing manufacturing
  • Understand MS Office
  • Thorough, like the detail and can work under pressure
  • Good communication skills

How to Apply:
For those interested candidates, please send your application to the following email:
recruitment@bluegaz.co.id or z-syafitri@bluegaz.co.id

Penerimaan Tenaga Honorer CPNS Dihapus ??

Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Menpan RB), Azwar Abubakar menegaskan, tidak akan ada lagi penerimaan tenaga honorer di instansi pemerintah.

Dia juga memastikan tenaga honorer yang masuk di atas Januari 2005 tidak akan diangkat menjadi PNS. Tenaga honorer yang dipertimbangkan untuk diusulkan menjadi PNS hanya yang memiliki surat keputusan (SK) pengangkatan di bawah 2005. Semua yang ingin masuk PNS diwajibkan melalui jalur umum,yaitu seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS).

“Tidak ada lagi penerimaan honor.Semua harus melalui tes masuk penerimaan,” kata Azwar dalam acara pembukaan Workshop Penataan dan Pemetaan Kebutuhan Pegawai dalam Pengadaan PNS yang berlangsung pada 12-17 Desember 2011 di Binagraha,Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Sumut,Medan, kemarin. Mantan Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Gubernur Aceh itu mengungkapkan, saat ini jumlah PNS di luar TNI/Polri sudah mencapai 4,7 juta orang. Karena itu dalam waktu 10 tahun ke depan harus dapat tercipta jumlah pegawai yang ideal dengan konsep zero growth (pertumbuhan nol).

Dia pun menargetkan dalam 10 tahun ke depan akan ada 1,25 juta hingga 1,3 juta pegawai yang pensiun. Jumlah pegawai yang pensiun itu harus diganti dengan pegawai yang benarbenar memiliki kompetensi. Idealnya,jumlah PNS harus berkurang hingga sekitar 40% dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun. Karena itu, PNS yang akan direkrut maksimal 80.000 per tahun. Sedangkan untuk mengatasi kebutuhan tenaga ahli,ke depan akan diperbanyak tenaga konsultan,atau outsourching sehingga birokrasi pemerintah menjadi ramping, padat dan berisi. Azwar menjamin proses rekrutmen CPNS pascamoratorium penerimaan CPNS dihentikan akan dilakukan secara fair dengan tes murni.

Dengan demikian tercipta rasa keadilan dan benar-benar memiliki kemampuan. Selama moratorium dilakukan mulai 1 September 2011-31 Desember 2012, masingmasing instansi mulai dari kementerian, lembaga dan pemerintah provinsi serta pemerintah kabupaten wajib menghitung jumlah kebutuhan PNS melalui analis jabatan dan perhitungan beban kerja. Selama masa penundaan tersebut, pimpinan instansi wajib menyampaikan laporan perhitungan jumlah kebutuhan pegawai,uraian jabatan,hasil analisis beban kerja, peta jabatan, proyeksi kebutuhan pegawai selama lima tahun (2012-2016), serta berbagai upaya redistribusi pegawai yang telah dilakukan.

“Bagi instansi baik pusat dan daerah yang belum selesai menghitung jumlah kebutuhan PNS,maka dilarang mengembangkan atau menambah organisasinya dan tidak diberikan alokasi tambahan formasi untuk mengisi kebutuhan jabatan yang lowong dari pengangkatan CPNS,”tegasnya. Sejak dicanangkan September lalu hingga Desember ini, menurut Azwar, laporan analisis kepegawaian yang telah disampaikan instansi kepada Kemenpan RB masih di bawah 5%.

Sementara itu,percepatan pelaporan analisis kepegawaian masih terhambat dengan minimnya analis jabatan, terutama di Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) jumlahnya saat ini hanya 61 orang. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, tenaga analis jabatan minimal sebanyak 4.125 orang dalam rangka pemetaan kepegawaian. Untuk itulah Kemenpan RB menggelar pelatihan yang dimulai Desember-April 2012. Pelatihan analis jabatan yang dilaksanakan di Kota Medan tersebut juga bersamaan dengan pelatihan serupa di tiga wilayah Kantor Regional BKN lainnya, yaitu Surabaya, Makassar dan Palembang.

“Seluruh peserta pelatihan di empat wilayah ini akan menghasilkan tenaga analis jabatan sejumlah 800 orang, yang merupakan bagian dari rencana penyiapan tenaga ahli analis jabatan sekurang-kurangnya 4.125 orang,” paparnya. Dalam kesempatan itu, Azwar memberikan apresiasi kepada BKN Regional VI Medan yang mendapatkan ISO 9001. Sebagai PNS yang sudah pensiun, menurut dia, akan bangga jika merasakan betapa mudahnya mendapatkan pelayan yang baik di Sumut maupun Aceh.

Melalui pelatihan tersebut, bagi para peserta diharapkan dapat membawa pelayanan yang lebih baik dalam mereformasi birokrasi. Plt Gubernur Sumut Gatot Pujo Nugroho menyambut baik dilaksanakannya analisis jabatan dan analis beban kerja, mengingat sumber daya dan kompetensi aparatur sangat mendukung terwujudnya penyelenggaraan pemerintah yang efektif dan efisien. Kepala Kantor Regional (Kanreg) VI BKN Medan I Nyoman Arsa menyebutkan,mereka sudah dua kali mendapatkan ISO 9001 dengan menerapkan manajemen mutu di bidang mutasi kepegawaian dan pelayanan pensiun.

Mereka juga sudah mengadopsi budaya negara-negara maju untuk memperbaiki pelayanan kepada PNS di 58 instansi daerah dan kementerian serta unit pelaksana teknis (UPT) pusat.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

PT Pertamina Retail | Asst. Manager for Marketing & Promotion

PT.Pertamina Retail is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) engaged in the retail business, Pertamina, which was formed to deal with market changes, especially retail gas stations in the country towards a free market.

Our vision is to become a Retail company is professional, superior and independent.

Our missions are supporting Pertamina efforts to maintain the position of Business Retail Market Leader in the domestic market, improve the image through a network of retail Pertamina gas stations owned by Pertamina, widened profit contributor PT Pertamina (Persero), and develop the domestic market with a retail gas station retail network optimization.

Currently we are opening position as follows:

Asst. Manager for Marketing & Promotion
Jakarta | Closing Date : 21 December 2011
Responsible for planning promotional programs, search for, coordinate and collaborate with partners and in coordination with PT Pertamina (Persero) for the implementation of activities
  • Male/Female, maximum age 35 years
  • Minimum education S1 majoring in Marketing
  • Minimum experience 5 year in Advertising/Event Organizer
  • Assertive, authoritative, entrepreneurial leadership, good communication, able to work independently and team, and have the loyalty of time and effort

How to Apply:
For those interested candidates, please send your application to the following email:

PT Infomedia Nusantara | Customer Service Plasa Telkom Jakarta | December 2011

PT Infomedia Nusantara is the first company providing telephone information service in Indonesia. Under sub-division of Elnusa GTDI from Pertamina subsidiary, Infomedia has published Telkom Telephone Directory Yellow Pages.

The development shown by the establishment of PT Elnusa Yellow Pages in year 1984 which changed its name in year 1995 to be PT Infomedia Nusantara when PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. made investment. To support implementation of Good Corporate Governance at each aspect of company activity, Infomedia has published policy of company management guidelines in year 2008.

On June 30, 2009, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM) through PT Multimedia Nusantara (Metra), the subsidiary with 99.99% share owned by TELKOM (here in after referred to as TELKOM Group) has signed Shares Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA) to buy 49% share of PT Infomedia Nusantara (Infomedia) owned by PT Elnusa Tbk. (Elnusa), so that 100% share of PT Infomedia Nusantara has been owned by TELKOM Group.

Currently PT. Infomedia Nusantara back to find the best candidates for the position:

Customer Service Representative Plasa Telkom Kupang
Kupang | Closing Date : 13 December 2011
  • Handle customer who visited the Plasa Telkom
  • Provides information about Telkom Products
  • Handle complain
  • Minimum education D3 in any major
  • Maximum age 28 years
  • Able to communicate well
  • Good looking
  • Minimum height 162 cm (female), and 168 cm (male)
  • Fresh graduates / Entry level Applicants are encouraged to apply
How to Apply:
For those interested candidates, please apply online in the following link:


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